Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Centrefold Venus of the Month: Review

Genesis, November 1973

We still get comments on previous Centrefolds of the Month and have had a lot of comments on old posts this month, so we thought it would be interesting (to us at least) to look at the source of the 29 Centrefolds of the month we have had so far; perhaps to inform the decisions we will take on what to have for the next half dozen or so.  We offer a selection of November centrefold girls we haven't shown before as decoration.

Playboy, November 1958

Actually, we have already decided on this month's entry (time is running out, though!) and some for the next few months but still have some leeway for other months into 2012.

Penthouse, November 1969

We confess to having three types of Centrefold of the Month posts.  Firstly, there is a major post on a young lady who we particularly appreciate.  Into this category we can put Carol Augustine, for example.

Knave, November 1983


Secondly, we have those ladies who have gone on to be rather more than just centrefold models and have a more interesting story attached to them.  A good example of this is Britt (Christina) Lindberg.

Mayfair, November 1990

Finally, we have those ladies who are chosen precisely because they may have had limited, or even only one, appearances in mens' magazines (such as Tamara Santerra) and so it is possible to just feature their centrefold pictorial without having to do lots of research on them and find other pictures.  If you see one of these it means that Triple P has had a particularly busy month! 

Fiesta, November 1985

Of course there will be all sorts of overlap where we get a centrefold we appreciate who also has an interesting story (such as Henriette Allais).  We have avoided the production of a Venn diagram!

Chic, November 1981

We have had a quick look at two factors, however: which magazine the girl's centrefold comes from and from which decade it appeared in.

Looking at the magazine source first, we can see that Penthouse has provided the majority of our featured centrefolds to date so, perhaps, we need to widen our selection a little bit in the coming months.  Twenty out of twenty-nine centrefolds come from Penthouse and Playboy.

As regards date well over half of our centrefolds have come from the nineteen seventies with around 25% from the sixties.  None from the nineties or tens yet.  We tend to be influenced, of course, by those we remember from the magazines at the time and also the fact that, in many ways, the seventies were the high point of mens magazines in many ways. 

Men Only, November 1984

Nevertheless, we should feature more from the eighties, which were nearly as good and where we also had a large number of magazines from that decade.  These were partly our own purchases but also were gifts from what would now be termed a bi-curious girlfriend whose choice in lingerie seemed very influenced by the boudoir look of the eighties. 

Hustler, November 1979

When we did our first Centrefold of the Month posts we did not, as we did later, include every picture from their original pictorial or add pictures we discovered from other sources, so we are going back and remedying this gradually.

Club, November 1977

Once this is done they will all be nicely indexed down the right hand side of the page.  Those entries that are now "complete" will have an identifying number next to them.

Playboy, November 2005
Although they are usually the most time-consuming posts we now do (the recent one on the Collinson twins took five weeks to assemble) they also continue to be, along with our Pubic Wars posts, the most popular on the blog so it is only right that the old ones are brought up to the same quality level as the new ones.

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