Saturday, 17 December 2011

Non-Centrefold Venus of the Month 3: Cecilia Stanley, November 1973

S in Vancouver (or actually Whistler at present) has berated us for not posting a non-centrefold of the month for November.  Oh dear and now its nearly the end of December.  The stress, the stress!

We are conscious that rather more than usual of our recent posts feature young ladies from seventies mens' magazines rather than drawing on the full specturm of female loveliness since the dawn of time, which is what this blog is supposed to be about.

Art posts will have to wait a little longer, however, as here we present Cecilia Stanley from UK Penthouse Volume 8 no 8 (November 1973) photographed by Geoff Howes.  Penthouse's UK covers were much than the US editions in this period.

This one's all a bit French country farmhouse with Cecilia looking like she is living in a gypsy caravan parked in the field behind the house and she has just popped in for some peaches and a bottle of Monbazillac.  Maybe she is an artists model, which is why she wafts around not wearing much as the great artist prepares another canvas.  We would certainly like to get her to pose for a few charcoal drawings.

Its a short pictorial at only six pages and, unusually the pictures are mostly full page which gives them a good impact.  A nice limited palette of creams browns and beiges too.

The text accompanying the article claims she is 35-23-35 (probably), eighteen (possibly) and comes from Shepperton, Middlesex (unlikely).  Shepperton is the next village to where Triple P was brought up and whilst it does feature the major film studios (Triple P ran into Sigourney Weaver there once) we have never seen a girl who even looks remotely as attractive as Cecilia.  Although there was "healthy girl", a splendidly buxom blonde with a red school sweater who used to get the same bus to Shepperton station when we were at school.  She was rather fine.

Cecilia's pictorial didn't appear in Penthouse's US edition at that time but, surprisingly, she appeared in a pictorial using pictures shot at the same time, but with different photos, in the July 1975 edition. 

Usually pictorials would be shown pretty much as they were in each edition (with the exception of some images being censored in the UK version in the mid-seventies) so this is quite an unusual example as virtually all the pictures were different.

The difference between this pictorial and the earlier UK one is that this one features some photos shot outside.  We hope it was warmer than it looks.

There is rather more gentle pussy caressing than you would have got in the magazine back in 1973 whereas in 1975 it had almost become de rigeur.  This is a lovely mid-seventies Penthouse voyeuristic shot of a young lady caught in the middle of her own intimate reverie (as they would probably have said).

This one is rather more than her with her fingers just resting on her groin but it retains the dreamy sensuality of the other photos despite being more sexually aggressive.

This is just the right sort of outfit to be floating around the fields of the South of France in.

Finally, we go inside to where the UK issue shots were taken.  The hippy scarf doesn't feature quite so much as by 1975 it would have looked a little dated.

In the text accompanying the US edition pictorial she is described as twenty; which is what she would have been if she had been eighteen in 1973.  However she would still have been eighteen when the pictures were taken so why not just call her eighteen?  Strange.

The final shot is a mirror image of the pose seen in her UK issue; the only picture from both editions to appear in both magazines.  Although, actually, they are not quite the same picture.

So, we like dreamy Cecilia (or "Sissy") as the US edition called her and hope S does too!

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