Sunday, 18 December 2011

Venus by Request: Béatrice Chatelier

Béatrice from Cavalier December 1971

We have had a request for more pictures of the current Centrefold of the Week.  This picture is from her appearance in Cavalier magazine from exactly forty years ago.

The person making the request assumed her name was a pseudonym but, in fact, Béatrice Chatelier is her real name. She was born in the Gironde, in France, in 1951, the daughter of a vineyard proprieter, and was an actress from the late sixties until the early eighties, appearing in nine films as well as on stage.

Here is Béatrice in Les Charlots Fonts l'Espagne (1972) a film about a pop group visiting Spain where her character was called, appropriately, Sublime.

As a teenager she went to Paris and met French record producer Eddie Barclay, famous for his work with Charles Aznovour, and they got married although he was fifty and she was nineteen. 

Not surprisingly the marriage didn't last very long.  Barclay went on to be married nine times.  She went on to marry French actor Guy Marchand who was only fourteen years older than her.

In April 1972 she appeared in a brief but effective pictorial in the French Lui magazine.

You can say what you like about France and the French (and we are not the best of friends this week) but the country does have this ability to produce gorgeous starlet after gorgeous starlet and for that we should be grateful.

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