Monday, 3 October 2011

Venus by Request: Vee Brooks in Here Comes the Bride

Following our recent Pubic Wars post, covering the second half of 1974, we have had a request for the full pictorial of Here Comes the Bride from Playboy, August 1974.  We are delighted to comply!

This pictorial, according to Playboy, is about the fact (hope, myth?) that a virginal bride will be transformed on her wedding night from a pure and chaste creature to a wanton hussy.

Taking this as their starting point they present a bride and have her disrobe for her new husband.  Very much in keeping with the concept of the invisible male presence of the early centrefolds.

So we have a classic striptease photo feature, as our bride pauses to take a restorative glass of Champagne.

Our bride quickly presents her splendid bust to her watching husband.  Probably too quickly for Agent DVD who has been known to opine, when watching an old Playboy video, that there is not enough tease in their videos.  Too quick a strip and no tease he thinks; the girls going from completely dressed to naked in one jump.  He has a point.

Anyway, the Champagne obviously has the required effect as it's off with her drawers (as drawers they patently are).

Everything else seems to be on the point of falling off but perhaps it is time, in this wide shot, to take in the lovely detail in the set.  Look at all that rather fin-de siecle elegance!  What, you hadn't noticed?

Now it's time to play peek-a-boo and give you  a glimpse of my oh so cute garters.

Well, everything has dropped low enough to ideally display her lovely posterior; and lovely it certainly is!

Time to go in for a more complex, not to say rococo, pose.

Now this is where it all gets rather curious.  Having disposed of her clothes in fairly short shrift our bride suddenly appears in a corset.  Now who put that on for her?

Whilst testing the ability of the brass bedstead to withstand vigorous attempts to pull against well tied red velvet ropes (a nostalgic moment there, for Triple P) she displays her neat little fig and also makes us wonder again about how she got all those laces tied.

Having tested the head of the bed its important to test the foot as well.  We don't want any unfortunate flailing limbs.

Time for a few pushups to get the blood running.

As if by magic the corset has gone.  Unless the idea was to show the bridegroom's fantasy of how his bride could be improved.  We suspect it's just the sort of sloppy continuity that always annoys us in these pictorials, however.

After all that leaping around on the bed it's time to cool off a bit, perhaps.

A fan is a great accessory if you want to do faux coy.

Sadly, the stockings have to come off too.  We are certain that the traditional requirement for something blue to be worn by a bride has boosted the wearing of stockings and garters (the traditional blue element) amongst brides considerably.

Agent Triple P's first proper girlfriend wore stockings all the time during a period when it was most unfashionable.  We used to insist she kept them on  for any amorous activity, so we would not have let our bride disrobe any further as here.

Three pictures to show the removal of one stocking and nothing for the other one.  Actually it just looks like she is flexing her leg to show of her lovely muscles. A lovely sartorious insertion inside her right thigh here.

The final picture in the pictorial was a two page spread.  Poor continuity again as she has both stockings on again.  We are sure that the veil placed over her nether regions is deeply symbolic.

So, who was this lovely creature displayed to such fine effect?  Some Californian lovely, plucked off the beach at Santa Monica no doubt?

Playboy did not name her in the pictorial but she was Vee (short for Venessa -her parents obviously couldn't spell) Brooks.

Vee was not from California at all but originated in Roehampton, Southwest London, about ten miles up the A3 road from where Agent Triple P lives today.

Vee as she appeared in The Sun on January 18th 1973

In the first half of the seventies she was a popular Page 3 girl appearing in The Sun no less than 17 times.

A selection of some of Vee's Sun Page 3 poses

The picture above caused some controversy when it was used as an advertisement for a lingerie firm.

Vee started modelling at the age of 14 working in Europe in Paris, Milan, St Tropez and Rome. She also appeared in some European magazines.

On the cover of Spain's Playlady

She spent five months working in the US where her work appeared in several men's magazines other than Playboy.

Notably, she did another strip tease feature for the Playboy-owned Oui magazine which appeared in their January 1975 issue.

She appeared as the centrefold, under the name of Eleanor, in Gallery in July 1977.

Vee disappeared from the scene in the mid-seventies and, unlike many of the Page 3 girls of the time, remained relatively unknown so we are pleased to have the opportunity here to showcase her loveliness once more.  Perhaps she got married and became a bride!

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